This morning, R. Kelly was interviewed by Gayle King, speaking his truth about everything from his relationships with Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary to the numerous sex abuse accusations that he’s facing. Kelly firmly believes that he is being framed, saying that it would be “stupid” for him to sexually abuse underage girls and suggesting that he’s too famous to do so. He’s right about one thing there… it’s definitely a stupid (and deplorable) thing to do. Because of his meltdown on CBS This Morning, Kelly became the subject of many memes today with people using soundbites from the interview in a different context. Wiz Khalifa decided to have some fun along with the rest of the world, plugging his own album and joking about his cannabis consumption in his latest Instagram post.


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When you already high and niggas keep passin you the weed. #2009

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