Will Smith Jokes About What His Oscar Thinks Of Him


Prepare to rehash one of the biggest moments in The Academy Awards show history as the ceremony approaches. In just a few weeks, Hollywood’s elite will gather together again to praise one another’s creative efforts. Smith won’t be in attendance after last year’s scandal, as The Academy banned him from the ceremony for ten years. We remember when the Oscar winner became upset with Chris Rock, stormed the stage, and slapped his former friend. The fallout was heavy, and Smith found his blemish-free reputation muddled.

After taking some time away from the spotlight, Smith returned to promote his acclaimed film, Emancipation. The press tour was difficult, but Smith persevered through the jeers. Now, it looks as if he can joke about his snafu somewhat, and he used a viral video to do so. On Instagram, Smith uploaded a clip of himself taking advice from a social media user.

The woman said, “This is literally—it sounds insane, but it will change your life. And by ‘change your life,’ I mean it will make your life so much more interesting and fun. Did you know that you can pick any object, look at it, and ask it what it thinks of you? So, for example, you can pick up a pen and ask it how it sees you or what it thinks of you. And you will get an answer in your mind from your intuition.”

She goes on to list objects like cars and money before Smith has a thoughtful look on his face. Then, he reaches off-camera and brings his Oscar to the forefront. As it seems he’s about to ask the loaded question, the camera cuts out. Smith’s comment section was quickly flooded with playful takes, and because Instagram now has gifs, it was a sight to see.

Will Smith Apologized About Unfortunate Oscars Moment


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Following “The Slap,” Smith formally apologized to The Academy, Chris Rock, and fans. Rock has continued to perform comedy acts across the globe and reportedly touched on being assaulted at the Oscars. It is unclear if Rock will make a return to The Academy Awards on March 12, but viewers will be searching for references to last year’s controversy.
