Earlier today, it was reported that Empire actor Jussie Smolett was the target of a suspected hate crime, leaving him with a fractured rib. The actor was assaulted in Chicago by two white men, who proceeded to put a noose around his neck, douse him with bleach, and deem him an intruder of “MAGA country.” While Smollett has yet to openly address the traumatic ordeal, many have already spoken in his defense, offering their support, prayers, and kindness. As it happens, T.I., the de-facto voice of the people, was particularly shaken by the incident. Taking to Instagram, he proceeded to unleash fire and brimstone upon the country at large, calling for unity in the face of increasingly troubled times.”It’s a Disgusting Fuckking shame we continue to allow this shit to happen to OUR PEOPLE with no recourse!!!!” he writes. “THE HITS WONT STOP UNTIL WE HIT BACK!!!! Revolution is imminent… Laws of reciprocity say so… Prayers are great… But when I’m wronged… get up off your knees and RIDE for ME!!!!! Be strong & Stay solid. We here for you Bro”

Police are still looking for the two men responsible. As for T.I, one has to wonder if he’ll emerge as a leader of the revolution, should it eventually transpire. He certainly has the qualities one might look for – charismatic, passionate, and ruthless when need be. Do you feel he’s speaking facts, or simply inciting further violence? Sound off below, and send your positive vibes to Jussie Smollett.