Noname threatens to retire
me consistently creating content that is primarily consumed by a white audience who would rather shit on me than challenge their liberalism because some how liking Lizzos music absolves them of racist tendencies
Noname didn’t stop there. She continued on to suggest that hardships in black communities can’t be used as an excuse for her lack of a black audience. “Y’all really pushing the idea that black people can’t come to my shows because of black death and financial restraint ??? As if Dababy, Megan and Smino shows ain’t black as hell? Say you don’t like my shit and move around lol,” she tweeted. One fan stated that possibly Noname doesn’t attract the type of black fans that like to leave their home, to which she responded (in a now-deleted tweet), “That’s real.” Still, she wasn’t flinching on her stance. “Unfortunately, I’m not going to keep performing for predominately white crowds. I have two shows on the books then after that I’m chilling on making music. If y’all don’t wanna leave the crib I feel it. I don’t want to dance on a stage for white people.”
Y’all really pushing the idea that black people can’t come to my shows because of black death and financial restraint ??? As if Dababy, Megan and Smino shows ain’t black as hell? Say you don’t like my shit and move around lol
whats funny is most black artist are just as uncomfortable performing for majority white crowds but would never publicly say that out of fear and allegiance to
Which isnt a bad thing necessarily cause niggas gotta eat but yall wouldnt be up and arms if I quit workn @ McDonalds