There are several ways to watch Nipsey Hussle’s Celebration of Life today.
You will also be able to catch the Celebration of Life on Entertainment Tonight. The stream has already begun on their website with a gallery of photos being presented for their audience before the memorial begins.
If you’re subscribed to TIDAL, that will likely be the best place to catch Nipsey Hussle’s Celebration of Life because it’s streaming directly on the platform here. We have also included the stream below for your convenience.
Nipsey Hussle passed away on March 31 and for the last couple of weeks, fans, friends and peers have been reacting to his passing with extreme sadness. According to Variety, the event will feature several performances. Once the memorial has finished, Nipsey’s funeral procession will follow, which will travel over twenty-five miles through Los Angeles.
RIP Nipsey Hussle.