Home ENTERTAINMENT Megan Thee Stallion Watches Old Beyoncé Interviews When She’s Feeling Down

Megan Thee Stallion Watches Old Beyoncé Interviews When She’s Feeling Down


“If Beyoncé can get through it, I can get through it.”

No matter what criticisms are thrown Megan Thee Stallion’s way, the rapper continues to rise above them. She’s mentioned in the past that she does her best to avoid negativity, but there are times when she just can’t dodge rumors or headlines. The Houston rapper exudes confidence on and off stage and in her sit down with Billboard following being given their Women in Music Powerhouse Award, she shared how being bullied played a part in developing her self-worth.


She offered up a bit of advice for women struggling with confidence. “You need to take that struggle and throw it in the trash because you are a queen and you can’t let nobody tell you that you’re not a queen,” she said. “I used to get a little bullied in elementary school and then—I didn’t know why, though. I didn’t know why the other girl would want to pick on me. I didn’t think it was a big deal until one day this girl said something I really didn’t like and I finally told my mama. I was like, ‘Mama, this girl is talkin’ ’bout me in school. It made me feel kinda bad.'”

She was like, ‘Girl, f*ck her.’ [I’m] like, in second grade. She’s like, ‘Girl, f*ck her and you go to school and you say this.’ Ever since then I went to school and I told her off and I finally stood up for myself and it felt really good.” It was that experience that gave Megan the confidence that she’s carried into adulthood.

The rapper was asked about who she would like to honor, and like millions of others, Megan named the leader of the BeyHive. “Everybody knows I super love Beyoncé,” she said. “I’m from Houston, she’s from Houston. I’ve been listening to her all my life and she is just somebody that, when I’m feeling like, am I doing the wrong things or am I feeling the wrong way? I just go back and watch her old interviews. I watch her talk about going through the same struggles that I feel like I’m going through right now.” It’s a practice that Megan says makes her feel less “insane.”

“If Beyoncé can get through it, I can get through it.” Watch Megan’s interview with Billboard below.
