Marriage not for everyone – Counselor advises victims of marital abuse


The excuse that abusive relationships result from the intense pressure on women to marry sounds lame to Counselor, Amos Kevin-Annan.

“Why do people live on the premise that I am under pressure? At the end of the day, you will be responsible for the choices that you make. Pressure is part of life,” he said on the Joy Super Morning Show Tuesday.

Kevin-Annan was commenting on the touching accounts of marital abuse by a lady who sobbed on Joy FM Monday morning.

According to Sharon [not her real name] her beauty, self-esteem, and confidence have been completely destroyed, painting a graphic picture of a love relation characterized by more hate than love, recounting how her husband’s unprovoked verbal assaults have become incurable forcing her to seek divorce as the last option to save her life.

Kevin-Annan, a Counselor at the Pentecost University College wants people who find themselves in such relationships to accept responsibility for their situation because in his words “Marriage is a personal choice and a decision you make.”

Using his personal life experience to drum home his point. he said “I used to be under pressure to have a son but I insisted I am introduced as the father of two daughters and that my daughters are as human as sons. So if I had either tacitly or acquiesced to this pressure, I would then be putting pressure on my wife that we have a son and woe unto you if the next one is a daughter then frustration sets in.”

“So who are you going to blame for yielding to that kind of pressure?” he asked not really expecting an answer from Joy FM’s Super Morning Show host Daniel Dadzie.

While urging individuals “to develop the capacity to handle pressure,” Mr Kevin-Annan made the point that it is about time people accepted that marriage is not for everyone and, therefore, not allow themselves to be forced to stay in abusive relationships.

“I have conceded elsewhere on many platforms that it is not everyone on this earth who will marry. And it is true. There are people who are fulfilled singles. And we should learn to celebrate them and empathize with their situation and let them be without calling them names and pointing hands at them and using them for sarcastic reference,” he said.
