They say, “One who climbs a good tree always gets a push” and it’s so true consideration the great minds who are poised for action since “The taste of Afrika “movement was given birth by Tengol K. Kplemani.
So, it’s no surprise that Legendary Jaz-O has expressed interest in coming on board to use his experience in the game for the past years to help push “The Taste of Afrika” movement to the desired heights.
According to Legendary Jaz-O in a tape available to us, he’s coming to Ghana before the end of 2019 basically for “The Taste of Afrika” spearheaded by The Year of Return initiative by Ghana’s incumbent government.
For the purpose of clarity, “The Taste of Afrika” which is championed by Boundaryless Media (Tengol K. Kplemani) and Vic Law Production (Dr. Victor Lawton), is resolved to explore African music by bringing together acts from different countries to tour around the continent.