Home ENTERTAINMENT Future’s “Xanax Damage” Reflection Leads To New Album Hype

Future’s “Xanax Damage” Reflection Leads To New Album Hype

Future’s second album of the year may soon be upon us.

In January, Future conjured up some dark magic on The WIZRD, a blurry reflection of self-loathing penned over hazy dark bangers. In the months to follow, the Atlanta legend has since revitalized hype for a HNDRXX followup, continuously alluding to a sequel’s existence over Instagram. Either way, it quickly became clear that Big Future wasn’t about to leave 2019 with a single project, picking up where 2017’s prolific campaign left off.

Yesterday, Future took to IG to share a snippet of “Xanax Damage,” a new single that appears cut from the same cloth as the legendary “Codeine Crazy,” – at least, in a thematic sense. Today, he’s following up with a few new posts, continuing to tease his as-of-yet untitled album in the process.


Of course, it’s entirely possible that Future’s simply previewing a new photoshoot, hence the “Untitled I, II, & III” titles. Yet given the proximity to “Xanax Damage,” all signs point to a forthcoming rollout. In fact, the process is not dissimilar to The WIZRD’s prelaunch phase, which found Future setting a visual tone with a series of photographs and short visual clips. Check them out for yourself, and sound off below – could this be Future’s most prolific year to date? Lest we forget, What A Time To Be Alive 2 may also be in the pipeline…



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