‘Daily Show’ Taunts Trump With Uncomfortable ‘Losers And Suckers’ Reminder

The former president gets a blast from his own past in a new supercut video.

Donald Trump’s bizarre Memorial Day rant didn’t mention a single fallen soldier as the former president instead threw a fit over his various legal proceedings.

And when Trump has spoken about U.S. service members, it hasn’t always been to honor them, as a new “Daily Show” supercut video shows.

Trump in 2018 reportedly called Americans who died in combat “suckers” and “losers,” comments that John Kelly ― who served as Trump’s chief of staff ― confirmed last year.

He’s also repeatedly attacked war heroes and other veterans, especially those that don’t support him, infamously slamming the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for getting captured in Vietnam.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said in 2015.

Check out the full supercut video below:


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