
Stream & Download: DJ Fortee – Unboxed Album

Working hard to put smiles on the faces of his fans worldwide, prolific artiste DJ Fortee is finally out with the most anticipated album entitled ”Unboxed.”

The album features some of the top list in music, check out the track-list below and have some fun with some good music.

Unboxed (feat. Hadassah)
Lighter (feat. Jacqui)
Walk Away (feat. Koki Riba)
Freedom (feat. Brenden Praise)
Your Place or Mine (feat. Hadassah)
Wings & Colors (feat. Lilly Million)
Monini (feat. Niniola)
Low Vibe (feat. George Roubos)
Basadi (feat. Dr Moruti & McKenzie)
Supernova (feat. Komplexity)
The Light (feat. Ree Morris)
IGBA (feat. Dindy & Mr. Mecerdes)

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